Animal Adventures

Genius Loci | Animal Adventures: The Faraway Sea

What-ho, adventurers! If you’ve been following the blogs, you’ll know Animal Adventures: The Faraway Sea will introduce a brand new type of magical item to your roleplaying games known as genius loci, or ‘the spirit of place’.

(You’ll also know The Faraway Sea Kickstarter is fast approaching, and you can get on board here!)

Today, we’ll delve deeper into what genius loci are — and, more importantly, why you might want to acquire one…

What are Genius Loci?

Okay, if we’re being entirely honest, genius loci aren’t really magical items. But they are incredibly powerful. 

They’re also the reason why there are so many adventurers hanging around on Flotsam, waiting for a new island to appear!

You see, every island that appears from the Rift is said to contain its own genius loci. 

So, as you can imagine, they’re as numerous and varied as the islands. And, truth be told, they can look like pretty much anything.

They might be conspicuous. Like a giant, floating, gold crown, sitting atop a mountain, surrounded by a halo of golden light.

(That’s a bit over the top, but you get the idea.)

Or, they might be more subtle. A single petal in a field brimming with wildflowers. Or a speck of dust. 

(Okay, we were kidding with that last one. We think.)


Of course, finding the genius loci of an island is one thing. Removing it from its island is another matter. 

You’ll need all your cunning and guile to if you want to pull it off — but that’s why you’re an adventurer, right?

Oh, one more thing. There are even rumours that genius loci are the key to unlocking the mystery of the obelisk at the centre of Flotsam...but no one really takes them seriously. 

It’s just idle speculation, really.

Still, you’ll need to learn more about genius loci if you want to brave the islands of The Faraway Sea. So, you’d better head to the Kickstarter and hit ‘Notify Me’ — that way, you won’t miss out!